City Within a City: The Biography of Chicago’s Marina City
Name index

Adamowski, Benjamin
Tax scandal of 1970
Adamson, Thomas
Snapshots of 2008-2009
Adler, Robert
Star map buried
Aeschbacher, Hans
New use for the skating rink
Aguilar, Daniel
Moving Day
Aguilar, Jo Ann
Moving Day
Ahern, Joe
Condo board claims ownership of Marina City ‘name and image’
Akwaboah, Yaw
Marina City condo board battles residents on multiple fronts
Algren, Nelson
Marina City stars in its first movies
Allen, J. Linn
‘A seedy, crumbling wreck’
Alpers, David
The arduous six-block journey of Dick’s Last Resort
Amponsah, David
Spiral parking ramps leased
Anderson, Daniel
A post-modern mess
Anderson, Joe
Famous Marina City residents
Anderson, Wayne
Diminishing returns
Annunzio, Frank
‘Things to see and do at Marina City’
Argast, Ryan
Backstage at House of Blues as ‘Marina City’ rocks Marina City
Armour, Terry
Flying car sequel
Arvey, Jacob
Banking on Marina City
Asher, Lester
Paying for Marina City
Aubel, Leo
Marina City condo board battles residents on multiple fronts
Aykroyd, Dan
‘We’re going to electrify the city with this’
Baba, Sathya Sai
‘We’re going to electrify the city with this’
Bach, Ira
‘Things to see and do at Marina City’
Baird, John
Planning begins
Balcerzak, William
Shoeboxes full of money
Barnello, Michael
The arduous six-block journey of Dick’s Last Resort
Barnes, Donald
‘A police officer has been shot’
Barnett, John
Clarence Ekstrom, McHugh Project Manager
Baumer, Charles
Who killed Gloria?
Police raid Marina City ‘weapons bunker’
Bay, Michael
Time, money issues cut Marina City role in ‘Transformers’ film
Beatty, John
The world anxiously waits
Beatty, Warren
Marina City stars in its first movies
Becker, Lynn
Condo board claims ownership of Marina City ‘name and image’
Belaval, Ana
Snapshots of 2008-2009
Bell, James Douglas
Banking on Marina City
Bellamy, Harold
Vincent Falk: A Life in Color
Belushi, Jim
‘We’re going to electrify the city with this’
Belushi, John
‘We’re going to electrify the city with this’
Berens, Susan
Skating around Marina City
Berman, Marc
Snapshots of the 1970s
Bernotas, Peter
This Is Marina City
Bernstein, Jerome
Spiral parking ramps leased
Bernstein, Russell
Spiral parking ramps leased
Berra, Yogi
The pioneers
Bieber, George
Richard Hauff, a ‘friend of ours,’ and Murray The Camel
Binfield, Richard
A mixed-use laboratory
Who built Marina City?
Biondi, Dick
‘Downtown at Marina City, it’s 30 degrees at WCFL’
Bishop, Jerry
‘Downtown at Marina City, it’s 30 degrees at WCFL’
WFLD moves on
Black-Hedekin, Anna Marie
Police raid Marina City ‘weapons bunker’
Blevins, Estel Millard
Retired Navy diver drowns. Police are suspicious.
Blevins, Mary
Retired Navy diver drowns. Police are suspicious.
Bloom, Lawrence
A post-modern mess
Blum, Betty
New use for the skating rink
Who built Marina City?
Bonniwell, Charles
Skating around Marina City
Boone, Michelle
Engineered daring: Wallenda’s high-wire walk from and to Marina City
Boston, Lamont
‘A police officer has been shot’
Bowler, John
Brighton Construction Company
Bowler, Patrick
Brighton Construction Company
Bowler, Thomas
Brighton Construction Company
Bowles, Graham Elliot
Famous Marina City residents
Boyer, Lori
A mixed-use laboratory
Bradford, Darryl
Diminishing returns
Bradford, David
Diminishing returns
Brady, James
Famous Marina City residents
Brady, Sarah
Famous Marina City residents
Breen, Brady
Flying car sequel
Bridges, Will
43-story plunge
Britain, Ron
‘Downtown at Marina City, it’s 30 degrees at WCFL’
Brodkin, Mike
Richard Hauff, a ‘friend of ours,’ and Murray The Camel
Brody, Stuart
House of Blues security scrutinized after ‘horrendous season’
Brozynski, Dennis
Vincent Falk: A Life in Color
Brunson, Leigh
Clarence Ekstrom, McHugh Project Manager
Bryant, Tiffany
House of Blues security scrutinized after ‘horrendous season’
Brzeczek, Richard
‘A police officer has been shot’
Burke, Samuel
Spiral parking ramps leased
Burnett, Patricia
Vincent Falk: A Life in Color
Burnham, Daniel
A blank slate
Vincent Falk: A Life in Color
Burns, Jack
Marina City stars in its first movies
Burns, Jennifer
Vincent Falk: A Life in Color
Famous Marina City residents
Burnside, R.L.
‘We’re going to electrify the city with this’
Bush, Neil
The Texan
Butler, Ava
Marina City bank robbery
Butler, Robert
Flying down with the garbage
Vincent Falk: A Life in Color
Byrne, Jane
‘A police officer has been shot’
Cafarelli, James
‘We’re going to electrify the city with this’
Caldwell, Alfred
Who built Marina City?
Calhoun, Kathleen
The pioneers
Cameron, Waveney
First of two attempts to landmark Marina City
Campione, Gladys
Vincent Falk: A Life in Color
Cantore, Jim
Engineered daring: Wallenda’s high-wire walk from and to Marina City
Capone, Al
Richard Hauff, a ‘friend of ours,’ and Murray The Camel
Carruthers, Ben
Marina City stars in its first movies
Casagrande, Arthur
Laying the foundation
Center, Ed
Who built Marina City?
Charney, George
The world anxiously waits
Chase, Richard
The arduous six-block journey of Dick’s Last Resort
Chessick, Ellen
The arduous six-block journey of Dick’s Last Resort
Engineered daring: Wallenda’s high-wire walk from and to Marina City
Chopp, Kristin
House of Blues security scrutinized after ‘horrendous season’
Close, Del
Marina City stars in its first movies
Coffey, Raymond
Famous Marina City residents
Cohn, Al
Flying car sequel
Collen, John
Bankruptcy case 88-17840
Cronkite, Walter
Retired Navy diver drowns. Police are suspicious.
Cropper, Steve
‘We’re going to electrify the city with this’
Cross, Christopher
Nothing in Common
Cullerton, P.J.
Tax scandal of 1970
Curry, Richard
Dear Mr. Tarkington
Motivated sellers
Curtin, James
Marina City condo board battles residents on multiple fronts
Curtin, Jim
Loud neighbors with a liquor license
Curtis, William
Hilton signs up to run Marina City’s first restaurant
Da Prato, Adrian
The pioneers
Famous Marina City residents
Dahlman, Steven
Marina City condo board battles residents on multiple fronts
Daley, Richard J.
Slowing the suburban exodus
Paying for Marina City
Topping out
Top of the tower
Seven injured in second accident
‘We’re going to electrify the city with this’
Flying car sequel
Who built Marina City?
Brighton Construction Company
Famous Marina City residents
Dalka, Denise
Residents help down-on-its-luck neighbor
Dando, James
Flying car sequel
Daniels, Billy
Famous Marina City residents
Daniels, Yvonne
‘Downtown at Marina City, it’s 30 degrees at WCFL’
Famous Marina City residents
Darden, Severn
Marina City stars in its first movies
Dart, Robert
Police raid Marina City ‘weapons bunker’
Davis, John
Flying down with the garbage
Davis, Miles
‘We’re going to electrify the city with this’
Dearborn, Bob
‘Downtown at Marina City, it’s 30 degrees at WCFL’
Dempsey, Patrick
Time, money issues cut Marina City role in ‘Transformers’ film
Denison, Dirk
Snapshots of 2008-2009
Dennie, Lance
Marina City bank robbery
Denver, Annie
Mike Kobluk: Former Marina City resident and voice of a generation
Famous Marina City residents
Denver, John
Mike Kobluk: Former Marina City resident and voice of a generation
Famous Marina City residents
DiChiera, Lisa
The arduous six-block journey of Dick’s Last Resort
Dillman, Dave
Station of Tomorrow
Dober, Russ
Vincent Falk: A Life in Color
Doering, Madeline
First of two attempts to landmark Marina City
Dollnig, Tom
The incredible shrinking marina
Dovenmuehle, George
Paying for Marina City
Doyle, Catherine
‘A police officer has been shot’
Doyle, Michael
Condo board claims ownership of Marina City ‘name and image’
Draper, Ken
‘Downtown at Marina City, it’s 30 degrees at WCFL’
Duhamel, Josh
Time, money issues cut Marina City role in ‘Transformers’ film
Dunn, Donald
‘We’re going to electrify the city with this’
Dursch, Fred
Skating around Marina City
Dwyer, Richard
Skating around Marina City
Dyer, Thomas
A brief history of 300 North State Street
Eaton, Bernadette
Vincent Falk: A Life in Color
Ebert, Roger
Vincent Falk: A Life in Color
Nothing in Common
Eden, Barbara
Famous Marina City residents
Einsele, Mike
43-story plunge
Ekstrom, Clarence
Clarence Ekstrom, McHugh Project Manager
Brighton Construction Company
Emanuel, Rahm
Engineered daring: Wallenda’s high-wire walk from and to Marina City
Engblom, Thomas
Loud neighbors with a liquor license
Engelberg, Mort
Welcome to Marina City. Don’t forget where you parked.
Epps, Harry
Seven injured in second accident
Fairchild, George
Battle for control of Marina City
Falk, Clarence
Vincent Falk: A Life in Color
Falk, Harry
Vincent Falk: A Life in Color
Falk, Mary
Vincent Falk: A Life in Color
Falk, Vincent
Vincent Falk: A Life in Color
Famous Marina City residents
Fallon, Ray
The pioneers
Feininger, Andreas
The world anxiously waits
Ferche, Patricia
Who killed Gloria?
Fields, Homer
43-story plunge
Fields, Marilyn
43-story plunge
Fields, Robert
Marina City stars in its first movies
Fitzgerald, Patrick
Shoeboxes full of money
Fitzpatrick, Clyde
$2.5 million buys the lot and railroad tracks
Flader, Richard
The pioneers
‘A seedy, crumbling wreck’
Flader, Yolanda
The pioneers
Flanagan, James
Dear Mr. Tarkington
‘A seedy, crumbling wreck’
Residents help down-on-its-luck neighbor
Diminishing returns
Flannery, Thomas
Banking on Marina City
Flannery, Thomas Jr.
Banking on Marina City
Florsheim, Irving
Marina City says goodbye to its architect
Florsheim, Lillian
Marina City says goodbye to its architect
Flynn, Fahey
Famous Marina City residents
Foran, Lester
Mike Kobluk: Former Marina City resident and voice of a generation
Foreman, Lester
‘A seedy, crumbling wreck’
Residents help down-on-its-luck neighbor
Fox, Michael J.
Backstage at House of Blues as ‘Marina City’ rocks Marina City
Franklin, Aretha
Nothing in Common
Frascogna, Louis
Condo board claims ownership of Marina City ‘name and image’
Freeman, Aaron
Famous Marina City residents
Fujiwara, Kamatari
Marina City stars in its first movies
Fulghum, Richard
The arduous six-block journey of Dick’s Last Resort
Snapshots of 2008-2009
Gabor, Zsa Zsa
Richard Hauff, a ‘friend of ours,’ and Murray The Camel
Gantt, David
Shoeboxes full of money
Condo board claims ownership of Marina City ‘name and image’
The arduous six-block journey of Dick’s Last Resort
Concrete repair at Marina City: Acrophobics need not apply
Gapp, Paul
A post-modern mess
Gara, Lawrence
Marina City condo board battles residents on multiple fronts
Gaskin, Albert
Life In The Round
Famous Marina City residents
Gaudiano, Matt
Backstage at House of Blues as ‘Marina City’ rocks Marina City
Gavin, James
Spiral parking ramps leased
Giancana, Sam
Richard Hauff, a ‘friend of ours,’ and Murray The Camel
Gibson, Bob
Famous Marina City residents
Gibson, Darrell
House of Blues security scrutinized after ‘horrendous season’
Gibson, Tyrese
Time, money issues cut Marina City role in ‘Transformers’ film
Gilbert, Lou
Marina City stars in its first movies
Gleason, Jackie
Nothing in Common
Goers, Al
Who built Marina City?
Golan, Joseph
Famous Marina City residents
Golan, Olga
Famous Marina City residents
Gold, Anita
Welcome to Marina City. Don’t forget where you parked.
Goldberg, Bertrand
A blank slate
Bertrand Goldberg’s path to Marina City
Planning begins
The shape of things to come
$2.5 million buys the lot and railroad tracks
Paying for Marina City
Marina City starts to rise
43-story plunge
The 16-story fence
Topping out
Clarence Ekstrom, McHugh Project Manager
Mock-ups and models
The world anxiously waits
Star map buried
Marina City’s theatrical flourish
The end is coming: Marina City goes condo
WFLD moves on
Bankruptcy case 88-17840
A post-modern mess
Luck starts to change
‘We’re going to electrify the city with this’
Marina City says goodbye to its architect
New use for the skating rink
The arduous six-block journey of Dick’s Last Resort
Concrete repair at Marina City: Acrophobics need not apply
New life for Marina City sofas
Who built Marina City?
Marina City stars in its first movies
Goldberg, Geoffrey
The shape of things to come
Topping out
WFLD moves on
Marina City says goodbye to its architect
Who built Marina City?
Goldberg, Nancy
Topping out
Marina City says goodbye to its architect
Goldblatt, Maurice
Goldin, Leonard
Spiral parking ramps leased
Goldstein, Charles
Who killed Gloria?
Goldstein, Ilene
The bankruptcy trustee
Bankruptcy case 88-17840
A post-modern mess
Motivated sellers
‘A seedy, crumbling wreck’
Residents help down-on-its-luck neighbor
Luck starts to change
Diminishing returns
Golin, David
Bankruptcy case 88-17840
Gonzales, Cruz
Concrete repair at Marina City: Acrophobics need not apply
Gonzales, Hernando
Concrete repair at Marina City: Acrophobics need not apply
Goodman, John
‘We’re going to electrify the city with this’
Goodstein, Daniel
William Goodstein, first condo association president
Goodstein, William
William Goodstein, first condo association president
Goranson, Bob
Skating around Marina City
Gregson, William Fuller
Banking on Marina City
Groebli, Werner
Skating around Marina City
Guarneri, Pietro Giovanni
Famous Marina City residents
Gude, Jerry
Marina City bank robbery
Guy, Buddy
‘We’re going to electrify the city with this’
Hamilton, William
Retired Navy diver drowns. Police are suspicious.
Hance, Louise
Moving Day
Hanks, Tom
Nothing in Common
Hanley, Robert
Famous Marina City residents
Harboe, T. Gunny
First of two attempts to landmark Marina City
Harp, R. Kymn
Luck starts to change
Harte, William
43-story plunge
Hatfield, Hurd
Marina City stars in its first movies
Hauff, Richard
Richard Hauff, a ‘friend of ours,’ and Murray The Camel
Haugen, Roger
The arduous six-block journey of Dick’s Last Resort
Hearn, Albert
Who built Marina City?
Hedrick, Warner III
Loud neighbors with a liquor license
Hefferan, Bob
Mike Kobluk: Former Marina City resident and voice of a generation
Heim, Bonnie
Skating around Marina City
Heiser, Todd
New life for Marina City sofas
Henry, Al
Clarence Ekstrom, McHugh Project Manager
Hernandez, Brittney
House of Blues security scrutinized after ‘horrendous season’
Herold, Chalmer
From Marina City
Hiffman, Dennis
A post-modern mess
Higgins, William
Seven injured in second accident
Hildebrand, Kenneth
Star map buried
Hoff, P.J.
Banking on Marina City
Hogeorges, Betty
The pioneers
Holland, Anthony
Marina City stars in its first movies
Holsom, R.S.
Banking on Marina City
Honda, Ben
Marina City strikes deal for bowling alley
New use for the skating rink
Who built Marina City?
Horowitz, Samuel
Hilton signs up to run Marina City’s first restaurant
Hoy, Patrick
Banking on Marina City
Hoyne, Thomas
Mass media darling
Huebl, Paul
Who killed Gloria?
Police raid Marina City ‘weapons bunker’
Welcome to Marina City. Don’t forget where you parked.
Humphreys, Ernest
Richard Hauff, a ‘friend of ours,’ and Murray The Camel
Humphreys, Jeanne
Richard Hauff, a ‘friend of ours,’ and Murray The Camel
Humphreys, Llewelyn Morris
Richard Hauff, a ‘friend of ours,’ and Murray The Camel
Famous Marina City residents
Huntington-Whiteley, Rosie
Time, money issues cut Marina City role in ‘Transformers’ film
Jablonski, Jim
Loud neighbors with a liquor license
House of Blues security scrutinized after ‘horrendous season’
Jack, Wolfman
‘Downtown at Marina City, it’s 30 degrees at WCFL’
Jackson, Bill
WFLD moves on
Jagiello, Theodore
Who killed Gloria?
Jameson, David
A blank slate
‘We’re going to electrify the city with this’
House of Blues security scrutinized after ‘horrendous season’
Jeffers, Glenn
House of Blues hotel relaunches
Jeske, James
‘A police officer has been shot’
Joanou, Phil
Flying car sequel
Johnson, Brian
Backstage at House of Blues as ‘Marina City’ rocks Marina City
Johnson, Geraldine
Life In The Round
Johnson, Harry
Seven injured in second accident
Johnson, John
Banking on Marina City
Johnson, R.A.
The incredible shrinking marina
Johnson, Russell
Tax scandal of 1970
Jones, Rikki
House of Blues security scrutinized after ‘horrendous season’
Jones, William
Seven injured in second accident
Jongerius, Hella
New life for Marina City sofas
Jowett, Judge
A brief history of 300 North State Street
Kamen, Jeff
‘Downtown at Marina City, it’s 30 degrees at WCFL’
Kamin, Blair
Marina City says goodbye to its architect
Kantor, Myron
Diminishing returns
Kaplan, Adam
House of Blues hotel relaunches
Kaufman, Philip
Marina City stars in its first movies
Kavanaugh, Paulette
Skating around Marina City
Keck, Fred
Marina City says goodbye to its architect
Keck, George
Marina City says goodbye to its architect
Kelley, Robert
The world anxiously waits
Kelly, Bernard
Marina City’s first murder
Kelly, R.
Marina City condo board battles residents on multiple fronts
Kennedy, John
Kern, Helen
The pioneers
Khan, Ahsan
Vincent Falk: A Life in Color
Kimmel, Gary
Shoeboxes full of money
Famous Marina City residents
Kimmel, Monalisa
Shoeboxes full of money
King, Mike
‘Downtown at Marina City, it’s 30 degrees at WCFL’
Kinzie, Eleanor
A brief history of 300 North State Street
Kinzie, John
A brief history of 300 North State Street
Kirkpatrick, Chester
Who killed Gloria?
Kirkpatrick, Gloria
Who killed Gloria?
Knoll, Florence
New life for Marina City sofas
Kobluk, Clare
Mike Kobluk: Former Marina City resident and voice of a generation
Famous Marina City residents
Kobluk, Mike
Hilton signs up to run Marina City’s first restaurant
Mike Kobluk: Former Marina City resident and voice of a generation
Famous Marina City residents
Kolos, Nancy
Vincent Falk: A Life in Color
Kolpack, John
From Marina City
Kovacevic, Milka
The pioneers
Koz, Rich
WFLD moves on
Kroc, Ray
Famous Marina City residents
Kumpula, Gary
43-story plunge
Kumpula, Glenn
43-story plunge
Kumpula, Martha
43-story plunge
Kumpula, Wallace
43-story plunge
Kupcinet, Irv
Station of Tomorrow
Kurtenbach, Douglas
Dear Mr. Tarkington
Kurtis, Bill
Retired Navy diver drowns. Police are suspicious.
LaBeouf, Shia
Time, money issues cut Marina City role in ‘Transformers’ film
LaBruno, Frank
Seven injured in second accident
Lapin, Jeff
Lapping, Sandra
The arduous six-block journey of Dick’s Last Resort
Lattner, Johnny
The arduous six-block journey of Dick’s Last Resort
Lauer, Matt
Flying down with the garbage
Lawless, Theodore
Banking on Marina City
Lazar, Vincent
Diminishing returns
Lee, William
Who built Marina City?
Leenaerts, Jeanne Marie
Banking on Marina City
Lehmann, Rolf
Hilton signs up to run Marina City’s first restaurant
Leiderman, Mike
WFLD moves on
Lemire, Christy
Snapshots of 2008-2009
Leonard, Donna
Condo board claims ownership of Marina City ‘name and image’
First of two attempts to landmark Marina City
Leonard, Mike
Flying down with the garbage
Levin, Ellis
Residents help down-on-its-luck neighbor
Condo board claims ownership of Marina City ‘name and image’
Marina City condo board battles residents on multiple fronts
Levin, Roger
The 16-story fence
Luck starts to change
Levin, Steven
One final insult
Levy, Larry
‘We’re going to electrify the city with this’
Lieberman, Mort
Who killed Gloria?
Linta, Sylvia
The pioneers
Lipman, Vivian
The pioneers
Lister, Patrick
Condo board claims ownership of Marina City ‘name and image’
Liston, James
Mass media darling
Lockwood, Gary
Hilton signs up to run Marina City’s first restaurant
From Marina City
Lolli, Lawrence
‘A seedy, crumbling wreck’
Lopez, Joseph
Shoeboxes full of money
Loring, Kay
Hilton signs up to run Marina City’s first restaurant
Loupas, Jim
‘Downtown at Marina City, it’s 30 degrees at WCFL’
Lucht, Marko
The incredible shrinking marina
Lueck, Thomas
The pioneers
Lujack, Larry
‘Downtown at Marina City, it’s 30 degrees at WCFL’
Lustig, Jacqueline Stanley
Marina City condo board battles residents on multiple fronts
Macey, Eric
Residents help down-on-its-luck neighbor
MacLaine, Shirley
The world anxiously waits
Maddux, William
Marina City condo board battles residents on multiple fronts
Madison, Ellen
Marina City stars in its first movies
Magill, John
Top of the tower
Malkovich, John
Time, money issues cut Marina City role in ‘Transformers’ film
Mandler, Arthur
This Is Marina City
Mandler, Mark
This Is Marina City
Mandler, Phyllis
This Is Marina City
Mandula, Mary Jo
Condo board claims ownership of Marina City ‘name and image’
Manning, Blanch
Shoeboxes full of money
Marino, Michael
Skating around Marina City
Marks, John
‘A seedy, crumbling wreck’
Luck starts to change
Diminishing returns
‘We’re going to electrify the city with this’
Marks, Niki
Luck starts to change
Marshall, Garry
Nothing in Common
Martin, Ben
Spiral parking ramps leased
Martin, LeRoy
Police raid Marina City ‘weapons bunker’
Martinez, Jose
Snapshots of the 1970s
Martini, Alfra
Mass media darling
Mathers, Edie
Marina City condo board battles residents on multiple fronts
Mathers, Joseph
Marina City condo board battles residents on multiple fronts
Matthews, Alex
Snapshots of 2008-2009
May, Mary
Engineered daring: Wallenda’s high-wire walk from and to Marina City
Mazzini, Mario
House of Blues hotel relaunches
McBain, Hughston
McCahill, Dolores
The pioneers
McCaleb, Gary
The Texan
McCoy, Sid
‘Downtown at Marina City, it’s 30 degrees at WCFL’
McDormand, Frances
Time, money issues cut Marina City role in ‘Transformers’ film
McFetridge, Barbara
Who built Marina City?
McFetridge, William
Slowing the suburban exodus
Planning begins
$2.5 million buys the lot and railroad tracks
A mixed-use laboratory
Paying for Marina City
Topping out
Banking on Marina City
Moving Day
Star map buried
Marina City’s theatrical flourish
Battle for control of Marina City
The executive board decides
Marina City strikes deal for bowling alley
Who built Marina City?
McHugh, James
Clarence Ekstrom, McHugh Project Manager
Who built Marina City?
McNamara, Daniel
43-story plunge
McQueen, Steve
Flying car sequel
Time, money issues cut Marina City role in ‘Transformers’ film
Welcome to Marina City. Don’t forget where you parked.
Meech, Earl
Moving Day
The incredible shrinking marina
Meyer, Daniel
Shoeboxes full of money
Marina City condo board battles residents on multiple fronts
Meyer, Lydia
Marina City’s first murder
Meyer, Vernon
Marina City’s first murder
Meyer, Virginia
Marina City’s first murder
Mies van der Rohe, Ludwig
Bertrand Goldberg’s path to Marina City
Marina City says goodbye to its architect
Vincent Falk: A Life in Color
Who built Marina City?
Miller, Ann
‘Things to see and do at Marina City’
Miller, Howard
‘Downtown at Marina City, it’s 30 degrees at WCFL’
Mills, Erwin
The arduous six-block journey of Dick’s Last Resort
Mitchell, Chad
Mike Kobluk: Former Marina City resident and voice of a generation
Moats, Edwin Jr.
The arduous six-block journey of Dick’s Last Resort
Montoye, Margaret
Loud neighbors with a liquor license
Mooneyham, Nick
Backstage at House of Blues as ‘Marina City’ rocks Marina City
Morask, Richard
Marina City’s first murder
Moser, Phil
The arduous six-block journey of Dick’s Last Resort
Moskal, Rich
Time, money issues cut Marina City role in ‘Transformers’ film
Engineered daring: Wallenda’s high-wire walk from and to Marina City
Muneretto, Mark
A post-modern mess
Murphy, Arthur
The end is coming: Marina City goes condo
Murphy, Matt
‘We’re going to electrify the city with this’
Nassiri, Roberto
Vincent Falk: A Life in Color
Natarus, Burton
‘We’re going to electrify the city with this’
Loud neighbors with a liquor license
Neuringer, Felisa
‘A seedy, crumbling wreck’
Newton, Walt
This Is Marina City
Norman, Morrie
Richard Hauff, a ‘friend of ours,’ and Murray The Camel
Nussbaum, Norman
Hilton signs up to run Marina City’s first restaurant
Marina City condo board battles residents on multiple fronts
O’Brien, Alice
‘A police officer has been shot’
O’Brien, Martin
‘A police officer has been shot’
O’Donnell, T. Byrne
Moving Day
O’Leary, William
Engineered daring: Wallenda’s high-wire walk from and to Marina City
O’Malley, Comerford J.
Star map buried
Oakes, Ryan
Snapshots of 2008-2009
Oakes, Trevor
Snapshots of 2008-2009
Orkin, Dick
‘Downtown at Marina City, it’s 30 degrees at WCFL’
Ott, Chad
The arduous six-block journey of Dick’s Last Resort
Palmer, John
Famous Marina City residents
Parkin, Missy
Marina City strikes deal for bowling alley
Paschky, Manfred
Marina City’s first murder
Paslaski, Jean
Skating around Marina City
Paul, Terry
‘Things to see and do at Marina City’
Peck, Ralph
Laying the foundation
Who built Marina City?
Pei, I.M.
The shape of things to come
Penn, Arthur
Marina City stars in its first movies
Penrod, John
Postcards from Marina City
Ten best shots of Marina City in ‘Transformers: Dark of the Moon’
Peterson, Ronald
Diminishing returns
Pioch, Ray
Mass media darling
Pip, Barney
‘Downtown at Marina City, it’s 30 degrees at WCFL’
Pirie, John Jr.
Potts, Steve
‘We’re going to electrify the city with this’
Pratt, John
Flying car sequel
Preble, Lidia
The pioneers
Preble, Robert Jr.
The pioneers
Quin, George
Quinn, Robert
Famous Marina City residents
Radcliffe, Doris
‘A police officer has been shot’
Ramsey, George
Seven injured in second accident
Reagan, Ronald
Famous Marina City residents
Regas, James
Diminishing returns
Reilly, Brendan
The arduous six-block journey of Dick’s Last Resort
First of two attempts to landmark Marina City
House of Blues security scrutinized after ‘horrendous season’
Engineered daring: Wallenda’s high-wire walk from and to Marina City
Reilly, Edward
Seven injured in second accident
Reiser, Don
Clarence Ekstrom, McHugh Project Manager
Riley, Jeff
The arduous six-block journey of Dick’s Last Resort
Riley, Ron
‘Downtown at Marina City, it’s 30 degrees at WCFL’
Riordan, James
‘A police officer has been shot’
Rix, Louanna
Banking on Marina City
Robbins, Manuel
Residents help down-on-its-luck neighbor
Robbins, R.B.
Richard Hauff, a ‘friend of ours,’ and Murray The Camel
Robinson, A.J.
From Marina City
Robinson, Max
Famous Marina City residents
Rockefeller, Nelson
A mixed-use laboratory
Roe, Mark
New life for Marina City sofas
Roemer, William Jr.
Richard Hauff, a ‘friend of ours,’ and Murray The Camel
Roeper, Richard
Vincent Falk: A Life in Color
Rosales, Thomas Jr.
Welcome to Marina City. Don’t forget where you parked.
Rosenwein, Thomas
Condo board claims ownership of Marina City ‘name and image’
Rostenkowski, Daniel
Paying for Marina City
Rowley, Cheryl
Royko, Mike
Richard Hauff, a ‘friend of ours,’ and Murray The Camel
Rubin, Gertrude
The pioneers
Ruder, Julie
Shoeboxes full of money
Runyon, Jim
‘Downtown at Marina City, it’s 30 degrees at WCFL’
Ryan, Eddie
Richard Hauff, a ‘friend of ours,’ and Murray The Camel
Sachs, Oliver
Vincent Falk: A Life in Color
Saget, Bob
Backstage at House of Blues as ‘Marina City’ rocks Marina City
Saidak, Jean
The pioneers
Saint, Eva Marie
Nothing in Common
Samp, Francis
Police raid Marina City ‘weapons bunker’
Famous Marina City residents
Scalise, George
Who built Marina City?
Scherl, Morton
William Goodstein, first condo association president
Schiff, Robert
The arduous six-block journey of Dick’s Last Resort
Schiff, Steven
The arduous six-block journey of Dick’s Last Resort
Schmetterer, Jack
Bankruptcy case 88-17840
Schrager, Cheryl Bowler
Brighton Construction Company
Schramm, Michael
‘A police officer has been shot’
Schreck, Ed
43-story plunge
Clarence Ekstrom, McHugh Project Manager
Schreck, L.J.
Clarence Ekstrom, McHugh Project Manager
Schubert, Helen
National Design Center signs lease
Scott, Sharon
Engineered daring: Wallenda’s high-wire walk from and to Marina City
Sebastian, Joel
‘Downtown at Marina City, it’s 30 degrees at WCFL’
Shannon, Daniel
Brighton Construction Company
Shay, Art
The world anxiously waits
Shea, Ryan
House of Blues security scrutinized after ‘horrendous season’
Sheil, Bernard
Topping out
Who built Marina City?
Shoessling, Raymond
Banking on Marina City
Sigel, Beanie
Marina City condo board battles residents on multiple fronts
Simon, Ralph
Star map buried
Simpson, Stephanie
Flying car sequel
Sipple, Chuck
The arduous six-block journey of Dick’s Last Resort
Skrezlowski, William
A post-modern mess
Smith, Sidney
Seven injured in second accident
Snyder, John
Bertrand Goldberg’s path to Marina City
The shape of things to come
Soldo, Dino
House of Blues hotel relaunches
Solomon, E. Leonard
From Marina City
‘Things to see and do at Marina City’
Solomon, Sofia
From Marina City
Solti, Georg
Famous Marina City residents
Somers-Urrea, Eric
Backstage at House of Blues as ‘Marina City’ rocks Marina City
Sonneborn, Harry
Famous Marina City residents
Southgate, Theresa
The pioneers
Specius, Al
Clarence Ekstrom, McHugh Project Manager
Spencer, John
Marina City strikes deal for bowling alley
Spencer, William
Marina City strikes deal for bowling alley
Stagg, Jim
‘Downtown at Marina City, it’s 30 degrees at WCFL’
Starkey, Maureen
‘We’re going to electrify the city with this’
Starkey, Richard
‘We’re going to electrify the city with this’
Starnes, Ellison Trine Jr.
The Texan
Dear Mr. Tarkington
Bankruptcy case 88-17840
Motivated sellers
Diminishing returns
Steinberg, Neil
Vincent Falk: A Life in Color
Stepan, Paul
Luck starts to change
Stevens, Elmer
Stevens, Vickey
Marina City bank robbery
Stewart, Alexandra
Marina City stars in its first movies
Stillman, Alan
New use for the skating rink
Stoops, Toby
Skating around Marina City
Strauss, Lucille
Marina City says goodbye to its architect
Stryganek, Judy
Skating around Marina City
Stryganek, Trudy
Skating around Marina City
Sullivan, David
Paying for Marina City
Topping out
Battle for control of Marina City
The executive board decides
Sullivan, John
43-story plunge
Sutton, Ricky
Backstage at House of Blues as ‘Marina City’ rocks Marina City
Swain, Mary
A post-modern mess
Swibel, Charles
Slowing the suburban exodus
Bertrand Goldberg’s path to Marina City
$2.5 million buys the lot and railroad tracks
Paying for Marina City
Marina City starts to rise
Spiral parking ramps leased
Banking on Marina City
Moving Day
Star map buried
Hilton signs up to run Marina City’s first restaurant
The executive board decides
Marina City strikes deal for bowling alley
The end is coming: Marina City goes condo
Condo auction draws bargain hunters
The Texan
Motivated sellers
Diminishing returns
Who built Marina City?
Famous Marina City residents
Swibel, Howard
Bertrand Goldberg’s path to Marina City
Planning begins
Paying for Marina City
The executive board decides
The end is coming: Marina City goes condo
The Texan
Who built Marina City?
Swibel, Morris
Moving Day
From Marina City
Who killed Gloria?
Swibel, Seena
Planning begins
Tallarico, Joseph
Retired Navy diver drowns. Police are suspicious.
Tallarico, Joy
Retired Navy diver drowns. Police are suspicious.
Tarkington, Donald
Dear Mr. Tarkington
Taylor, Bob
Clarence Ekstrom, McHugh Project Manager
Tidd, Pete
Snapshots of 2008-2009
Tigrett, Isaac
‘We’re going to electrify the city with this’
Toman, Andrew
Retired Navy diver drowns. Police are suspicious.
Toner, Carrie Ann
43-story plunge
Toner, James
43-story plunge
Toner, Rosemary
43-story plunge
Torba, Edward
Seven injured in second accident
Torvan, Hosang
Richard Hauff, a ‘friend of ours,’ and Murray The Camel
Troffer, Michael
Engineered daring: Wallenda’s high-wire walk from and to Marina City
Troffer, Terry
Engineered daring: Wallenda’s high-wire walk from and to Marina City
Tucker, Adam
Snapshots of 2008-2009
Valukas, Anton
Luck starts to change
Diminishing returns
van der Rohe, Mies
New life for Marina City sofas
van Hartesvelt, Mark
House of Blues hotel relaunches
Vasarely, Victor
Marina City’s theatrical flourish
Vaughn, Anna
House of Blues security scrutinized after ‘horrendous season’
Veeck, Bill
WFLD moves on
Verley, Pat
Clarence Ekstrom, McHugh Project Manager
Verson, Mindy
Marina City condo board battles residents on multiple fronts
Vogel, Karen
Skating around Marina City
Voss, Ruth
The pioneers
Voysey, Eleanor Page
The world anxiously waits
Vrdolyak, Edward
The end is coming: Marina City goes condo
Condo auction draws bargain hunters
Wachholz, Ed
Clarence Ekstrom, McHugh Project Manager
Wallenda, Amadaos
Engineered daring: Wallenda’s high-wire walk from and to Marina City
Wallenda, Delilah
Engineered daring: Wallenda’s high-wire walk from and to Marina City
Wallenda, Erendira
Engineered daring: Wallenda’s high-wire walk from and to Marina City
Wallenda, Karl
Engineered daring: Wallenda’s high-wire walk from and to Marina City
Wallenda, Nik
Engineered daring: Wallenda’s high-wire walk from and to Marina City
Walsh, Maurice
Banking on Marina City
Waner, John
Paying for Marina City
Ward, James
Condo board claims ownership of Marina City ‘name and image’
Ward, John Jr.
Diminishing returns
Washington, Leon
‘A police officer has been shot’
Wasserman, William
From Marina City
Weber, Clark
‘Downtown at Marina City, it’s 30 degrees at WCFL’
Weiner, Egon
‘Things to see and do at Marina City’
Welker, Homer
Clarence Ekstrom, McHugh Project Manager
Wells, Frank
$2.5 million buys the lot and railroad tracks
Marina City strikes deal for bowling alley
Wells, Junior
‘We’re going to electrify the city with this’
White, Jeff
Flying car sequel
White, Mark Luke
Shoeboxes full of money
Wilkie, Grace
A post-modern mess
Williams, Ben
Famous Marina City residents
Williams, Psyche
‘A police officer has been shot’
Williamson, Dick
‘Downtown at Marina City, it’s 30 degrees at WCFL’
Wilson, Mike
Top of the tower
Wilson, O.W.
Wolcott, Alexander Jr.
A brief history of 300 North State Street
Wolf, Christine Gilliland
Vincent Falk: A Life in Color
Woodward, Billie Jean
The Texan
Wright, John
A brief history of 300 North State Street
Wynn, Gladys
The pioneers
Yerke, Michael
Loud neighbors with a liquor license
Young, Brett
Mass media darling
Young, Robert Lewis
Shoeboxes full of money
Yustman, Odette
Snapshots of 2008-2009
Zack, Buddy
Skating around Marina City
Zapinski, Chip
Clarence Ekstrom, McHugh Project Manager
Zeckendorf, William
The shape of things to come
Zick, Milton
Hilton signs up to run Marina City’s first restaurant
Zido, Paul
Shoeboxes full of money
Zirnheld, Christy
The arduous six-block journey of Dick’s Last Resort

583 names